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Silkroad Visual Technology Co.Ltd.

Updated: Aug 8, 2022


Silkroad Visual Technology Co.Ltd.

Service Scope

Digital Visual and Creative Services



Company Size


Financing Status

Listed Company

Core Product/Service

Provide digital creative services by adopting innovative digital visual technology, such as computer graphics, virtual reality, augmented reality and etc., including design visualization, digital marketing, and immersive/interactive exhibition design.

Strategic innovation services: visual cloud computing (cloud rendering), digital twin application (big data visualization), virtual reality/augmented reality, pan-entertainment-commercial application


National Level High-Tech Company

National Level Animation Company

Target Market

Broadcasting and Media Organization, Municipal and Provincial Government, Festival Organizer, Commercial Real Estate, Corporate PR Activities.

Successful Clients

  • National Museum - Digital Animation Restoration of the Special Exhibition of "Qianlong's Southern Tour Map, Volume 12, Returning to the Forbidden City"

  • The 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China - Truth Eternal Animation

  • The SCO Qingdao Summit Ink 3D Blockbuster "The Combination of SCO"

  • The short documentary film of the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up

  • The promotional video of the Belt and Road Summit Forum "The Same Volume of Mountains and Seas"

  • The 70th National Day military parade mass parade Mobilization video, Beijing float LED digital video.

Awards and Achivements

  • American Autodesk Award

  • Asian Micro Film Golden Begonia Award

  • China International Animation Festival Golden Monkey Award, China Film Golden Rooster Award

  • Global Creative Technology Design Award-Gold

Company Introduction

Silk Road Vision Technology Co., Ltd. (stock code: 300556.SZ) was established in 2002 and is headquartered in Shenzhen, China.

The company mainly provides digital creative services by adopting innovative digital visual technology, such as computer graphics, virtual reality, augmented reality and etc., including design visualization, digital marketing, and immersive/interactive exhibition design.

In 2016, SilkRoad Vision landed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Growth Enterprise Market, becoming the first listed company in the field of CG digital creativity. With the help of capital, Silk Road Vision further lays out the research and development of cutting-edge visual technology applications, covering visual cloud computing Visual Cloud Computing (Ruiyun Technology), digital twin application Digital Twin Technology (Tiya Digital Technology), VR/AR/MR (Silk Road Vision) and other new models Research on the application of digital vision technology in digital infrastructure, enabling a new round of digital upgrading of the industry.


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Shanghai International Culture-Tech Industry Cluster (TCDIC) is an extension function of National Base for International Culture Trade, which is a national level industry platform in China, authorized by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. TCDIC mainly covers domestic and international business working at the intersection of art, creativity and digital technology, who produced interactive and immersive experience or solutions that can apply to all aspects of people's lives. 

In accordance to the requirement of "50 Policies for Developing Creative and Culture Industry", TCDIC was authorized by Publicity Department of Shanghai Municipal Committee to develop Culture-Tech Specific Industry Cluster, at Linggang New Distict Free Trade Zone,  covering both China business and international business.

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